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“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)


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We all have gifts the Lord has given us. Why not use the gifts the Lord has given you to serve others? Some people don’t know what gifts they have until they reach out to give back to the community. We encourage you to try something new by joining our team of volunteers. Below are the current volunteer opportunities we have; most of these can be done from home.

Event Volunteer

Share information about our group at local conferences and health fairs. Hand out flyers and encourage people to try our support group. These events occur a few times a year. This is with 3 or more people; you are never alone.

Event Coordinator

Identify which health fairs and conferences are most fruitful for our group. For example, we have an annual Open House event at Orangewood. The event coordinator would be responsible for planning and setting up for this big event.

PR Marketing

Make and establish solid contacts in the community, including chaplains, social workers, cancer coordinators, etc. Share our information on radio, TV, and web sites. Deliver flyers to local organizations.


Prayer Shawl/Cloth Team

Identify and track our inventory of prayer shawls/cloths. Contact and work with other prayer shawl/cloths ministries. Also looking for people that can crochet or knit prayer shawls/cloths at home.

Scripture Bottle Team

Clean and prepare prayer bottles for distribution. Cut Scripture verses to place inside the bottles. Place labels on bottles and get them ready to hand out at events.


Prayer Team

Check in with members via phone or email to see if they want to be on our prayer list, and update list accordingly. Visit hospitals, homes, etc., to share God's love and pray over those in need. Maintain Orangewood Church's healing board in the prayer room.


Resource Locator 

Search for local resources and make contacts. Verify what different organizations offer and determine how their resources can help our members.



Identify different ways we can support the ministry.


Writing Encouragement Cards

Let the Holy Spirit guide you to use the words that bring strength, peace and prayer to those in need of support and encouragement. 

If interested in volunteering please contact us: 

You can make donations on-line

Option: Circle of Hope


By mail

Orangewood Church

2730 W. Orangewood Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85051

Designation: Circle of Hope Cancer Ministry

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